Three Toys To Consider As A Baptismal Gift

vYou'll want to buy at least two things when the child of a close friend is getting baptized. A greeting card with a thoughtful message is appropriate to give at this special time, as is a gift for the child. While there are all sorts of baptismal gifts on the market, many people prefer to give something that the child can enjoy using. Toys are a logical choice, and there are a number of toys that can be appropriate to give in this situation. Here are some toys that you may wish to think about giving as a baptismal gift.

Stuffed Animal

Stuffed animals are an immensely popular toy for young children. They'll not only play with these toys during the day but also snuggle with them during naps and overnight. Instead of just buying any standard stuffed animal, it's nice to choose one that relates to the occasion. You'll find a wide range of religious-themed stuffed animals on the market. A stuffed animal that depicts a lamb, for example, can be a popular choice. The child will simply see it as a cute animal when they're young but can learn the religious connection as they get older.

Arc And Animals

Another popular gift that is appropriate to give for a baptism is a model of Noah's arc and a collection of animal figurines that can fit inside it. Many of these sets exist. Some are made of wood, offering a natural look, while others are made of plastic. This can be a good gift for an energetic infant, as they'll enjoy repeatedly placing each of the animals into the arc model and then sliding it around on the floor. Because this toy has multiple parts, an older sibling can play with it at the same time without conflict.


There are all sorts of children's puzzles on the market, including many that have a religious connection. These puzzles depict a religious image, and you may enjoy browsing your options and finding something that you know the child will enjoy. You'll see that these puzzles are geared toward children of different ages. Puzzles for young children have relatively few pieces, while the number of pieces increases in puzzles that are suitable for older kids. Don't be afraid to buy a puzzle that the child will be able to use in a few years. It will give their parents an easy toy to present to the child when the time is right.

For more information, contact a local company, like Big Sky Soul.
